To modify use the URL above and select Modifyĭell Technologies | Partner Software +1 5 (new number).The billing contact can modify users and transfer licenses.The billing contact is the owner of all licenses.ITS will auto bill via your ten digit UT account number and billing contact.ITS will auto-renew and bill for the next year. Step 3: Contact ITS to associate licenses to users. Campus: your department billing contact.Hello Sam, Please send a price quote for the following.Step 1: Get a price quote from Dell (see contact below).Project will be displayed if your account has been licensed. If you go forward with a purchase for Project Online Plan 3 (Professional) or Project Plan 5 (Premium), open a new request here: Small team: Project Online Plan 3, with an emphasis of using the Plan 1 component of it (Project for the Web). Major project teams: Project Plan 3 or 5 +departmental project M365 website
tIp: for creating and maintaining professional projects. Project Online Essentials does not include Project for the Web Project Online Essentials (free for faculty) is not Plan 1 Plan 1 is available for Plan 3 and 5 users only Project Plan 1 includes Project for the web, and is ~not available for EDU Recommended: Project Plan 3 at UT is about $65 annually

This site will provide product specs to help make your decisions. It's just an FYI, not for actual purchasing. Please review the three Project versions on this page. Your project manager would provide you access information.įor creating and managing your own teams projects:
We can assign you the free version, but it only allows the ability to enter and track time and projects into an existing project via a web browser. There are several versions of Project Online.

From high air above, this process looks like paradise. Hopefully, this information will make your purchase and licensing less cumbersome than it potentially can be. You'll need to know what you are asking for, because there are unique processes for each version to consider. Obtaining Microsoft Project Online requires a plan. Microsoft Project is a tool you can use to streamline project, resource and portfolios to keep track of projects successfully.
When you are done viewing or editing your project in Project Professional, simply close the project if you were viewing it, or save it and then close it if you were making changes.įor more information on working with your project in Project Professional, see the Project road map.Project Online | Office 365 retweet icon bullhorn icon reply icon info icon flickr icon tumblr icon vimeo icon reddit icon podcast icon angle-down icon angle-left icon angle-right icon angle-up icon ban icon hamburger icon book icon bookmark icon bug icon caret-down icon caret-left icon caret-right icon caret-up icon chain icon check icon check-circle icon chevron-down icon chevron-left icon chevron-right icon chevron-up icon circle icon circle-o icon clone icon close icon download-cloud icon code icon download icon ellipsis icon envelope icon warning icon external-link icon eye icon eye-slash icon facebook icon github icon google-plus icon heart icon heart-o icon home icon info-circle icon instagram icon linkedin icon lock icon medium icon minus-circle icon send icon pause-circle icon play-circle icon plus-circle icon question-circle icon quote-left icon quote-right icon rss-square icon search icon share-alt icon slack icon snapchat icon ticket icon twitter icon wheelchair icon youtube icon To open a project for editing in Project Professional from the Schedule page, click the arrow on the Edit button in the Project group on the Task tab, and then click In Microsoft Project. The Schedule page is the page that appears when you click on a project name in the Project Center. You can also open a project for editing in Project Professional from the Schedule page. On the Projects tab, in the Project group, click Open, and then click In Microsoft Project if you want to open it read-only, for viewing, or click In Microsoft Project for Editing if you want to make changes to your project while you have it open.

To do this, click Projects on the Quick Launch, and then click once in a project row to select it. You can open projects from Project Web App for viewing or editing in Project Professional.
Note: Using Project Professional 2010? You’ll need to upgrade to Project Professional 2013 or Project Professional 2016 to work with Project Server 2016 or Project Online.